Hidden In The Clouds

Every Monday in October we’re going to feature a “ghost story” here on our blog. These stories are pulled from accounts contributed by various employees and visitors and documented in our files and archives. On our Facebook page visitors often post peculiar pictures and recount odd experiences while visiting Winchester Mystery House so we thought it might be fun to open our files and share a few stories with you.

Our first story comes straight from the source – yours truly! It was a late autumn afternoon in 2015. I was taking photos of the exterior of the house for the Winchester Mystery House Facebook page.

Many weeks later I finally got around to editing the photos and clearing them off the memory card. I was about to delete one particular photo when something caught my eye.

Taking a closer look, I immediately thought an image in a second story window was a reflection caused by the overcast day. However, when I enlarged the photo I was astonished to see that what I thought were simply reflections of clouds actually resembled a translucent figure complete with head, neck, shoulders, etc.


Above is the photo that caught my eye along with an enlarged version below that provides the fascinating details.


I’m usually a skeptic in such matters (and still think it’s a cloud reflection) but others see it differently. What do you think?

For a more directly inspired October experience, don’t forget to join us for our very popular Halloween Candlelight Tour, on select nights throughout this month.